Write an application to your principal to get on line classes arrange during this pandemic

Write an application to your principal to get on line classes arrange during this pandemic


The Principal ABC High School Patna.

Subject: Prayer for online classes during this pandemic


Most respectfully I would like to inform you that I am Mukesh, a student of class-(X) and I am going to sit for final Examination my first important examination of my life, in 2021. It is very unfortunate that Government has closed all the educational institution for unknown time for the spread of noval corona virus or Covid-19 virus. We are in great problem for the lack of proper guidance at home during this lock-down condition we are unable to continue our studies smoothly for our preparation. In this situation I on behalf of all the students would like to request you to arrange some classes through online mode connecting the students with the respected teachers.

                     So, we will be highly obliged if you kindly grant our request as early as possible.     

Rahul Sharma

                                      7th March,                                            2021



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